Have you ever thought, “Hey I bet THCA can help me with this, but who do I call?” Well now here is a THCA staff contact list to answer just that question:


Ana Abarca, Executive Assistant, aabarca@txhca.org
Ana is our President and CEO Kevin Warren’s right hand. Please reach out to coordinate meetings and calls with Kevin. She can also assist you with Texas Clinical Resource Center webpage registration inquiries.

Dorothy Crawford, Director of Policy and Regulatory Analysis, dcrawford@txhca.org
Please reach out to Dorothy with questions regarding state and federal survey and regulatory issues; managed care operations; emergency management; and culture change.

Lauren Fritz, Administrative Assistant, lfritz@txhca.org
As the Administrative Assistant, Lauren can be contacted for general questions. She will direct calls to the appropriate staff member if necessary.

Scot Kibbe, Director of Government Relations, skibbe@txhca.org
Members should contact Scot anytime they have questions about legislation that can impact them. Also contact him about how they can get involved in helping advance our issues, including visiting and contacting their elected officials.

Deseray Matteson, Director of Financial Analysis, dmatteson@txhca.org
Please contact Deseray for any issues with financial results, state reimbursement methodologies other business operations data sets important to membership.

Gina Muniz, Director of Business Member Relations, gmuniz@txhca.org
Contact Gina for support in identifying/coordinating Sponsorships, Networking & Exhibiting opportunities for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM), as well as manages the Annual Convention Trade Show.

Amy Orris, Director of Office Services, aorris@txhca.org
Contact Amy for and questions regarding financial obligations related to membership and/or event registrations

Megan Reed, Director of Membership and Outreach, mreed@txhca.org
Megan is here to assist you with membership related questions, THCA Region meetings, and all things dealing the THCA Political Action Committee. She can also register you and your staff for access to our THCA website.

Angela Torres, Director of Professional Development, atorres12@txhca.org
Any questions regarding continuing education sessions, annual convention, spring and summer conference, CE credit for your license type, or conference information may be directed to her.

Kevin Warren, President & CEO
Contact Kevin for assistance when you are not able to reach your primary point of contact, kwarren@txhca.org