Why is there a THCAPAC?
While contributing to candidates for public office is very much a part of the political process and the American way of life, there are certain statutory guidelines. One very important guideline and/or restriction is that corporations cannot make direct political contributions. Political Action Committees can. Corporations may, however, donate corporate funds to support PAC fundraisers.
While individuals are encouraged to be involved in politics and make contributions on their own, the collective influence of a group can better be channeled through Political Action Committee contributions. Additionally, through this means, the candidates are clearly aware of where the support of the profession is directed.
The purpose of THCAPAC is to:
What is THCAPAC?
The Texas Health Care Association Political Action Committee (THCAPAC) is a voluntary, non-profit; unincorporated committee of long term care providers and others interested in supporting and advancing Texas’ long term care.
The committee is not affiliated with any political party. It is an independent and autonomous organization and has no branches or subsidiary committees. The Trustees of THCAPAC represent a broad spectrum of long term care providers including nursing facilities, residential care homes, vendors of supplies and services, and others.
State Political Action Committees are common. Most business entities and professional societies who have any interest in affairs of government and its elected officials have such Political Action Committees. They are governed by state laws and are required to report under specific guidelines on specific forms to the Texas Ethics Commission.

For more information and to join THCAPAC contact us at 512-458-1257 or make a contribution below.
- Work through legislative and electoral avenues to ensure that residents of Texas’ long term care facilities are provided the best possible care.
- Support office holders and candidates who support long term care and improving care of the aged and disabled in Texas.
- Solicit and collect voluntary non-corporate political action contributions.
- Schedule political action fundraisers on a state and local level and contribute to the campaigns of selected candidates for public office.