Provider Membership

THCA Membership is offered to long term care facilities owned by both for-profit and non-profit entities which include nursing facilities, specialized rehabilitation facilities, and assisted living facilities.

For more information please contact Robert Dugas

Business Membership

Do you or your business provide services and/or products to long term care facilities?  THCA offers an Associate Business Membership designed to suit a variety of marketing goals and networking opportunities with THCA Membership.

  • Annual Dues are $1500 per calendar year and are not pro-rated
  • Membership expires each December
  • Annual Dues are not inclusive of event registration

Only THCA Business Members in good standing may attend our events.

For more information email Bob Dugas, April Sartor, or call (512) 458-1257.

Visit Business Memberships for a complete guide on sponsorship opportunities.

Membership in THCA is a wise investment for long term care providers across the state. Our team works diligently to ensure the needs of our members and the seniors we serve are protected.
our services down arrow
Education & Professional Development

THCA provides continuing education credits through timely seminars and conferences on a range of topics important to long term care professionals including resident care best practices, leadership and management, ethics, quality improvement, regulations and compliance, and reimbursement.


THCA has built a strong relationship with lawmakers and agency leaders on the local, state and national levels. Our lobbying team works collectively to ensure that our issues remain in the forefront of policy discussions and there is ongoing support for our profession.

THCA provides its members with the tools needed to effectively advocate to local, state and national policymakers. Through grassroots advocacy training, toolkits and online capabilities, our members are engaged and prepared to speak with their elected officials about the most pressing issues in long term care.

Legislative & Policy Analysis

THCA continuously tracks state and national legislation and policy developments impacting the long term care profession on behalf of our membership. State and national information and data is made available to all THCA members, allowing providers to adequately prepare their facilities for the impact of new policy and reimbursement changes.

Legal & Regulatory Analysis

Our legal team monitors all state and federal litigation and regulatory issues impacting long term care to ensure our members have access to information about current legal trends in the profession.

Media Outreach

THCA understands the important role the press plays in influencing policy makers and educating the public about the issues impacting our state’s eldercare community. We have cultivated lasting relationships with reporters across the state to ensure relevant long-term care policies and developments garner state-wide media attention.

a history of success & results down arrow

Historically, THCA has focused its energies on the hard-hitting issues affecting the provider community and the elderly and disabled Texans our members care for. We recognize our responsibility to support the needs of our members and patients by advancing the policies that protect state and federal funding adequacy and preserve quality care.

Securing adequate Medicaid funding continues to be the primary THCA focus and the member education process requires an aggressive effort not just during the legislative session, but also in the off year when our state leaders have the time to focus on funding policy details, and visit their local facilities. Our approach has paid off, not just on the Medicaid funding front, but on other key issues as well. For example:


Efforts in the 83rd Legislative Session included protections provided in SB 7 under Medicaid Managed Care including:

  • 10 day prompt payment provisions
  • Single portal for claims submission
  • Medicaid RUG Rate protection
  • Any willing provider contract provisions

Between 2002 and 2012, THCA has led the fight for improved quality and Medicaid funding for nursing home care in Texas. The net funding increase for this period of time is $1.2 billion.


In 2011, during the last contentious legislative session THCA moved quickly out of the blocks to turn back a proposed 33% Medicaid rate cut that would have cost Texas nursing home providers $1.4 billion in 2012 and 2013, and would have had a devastating impact on communities throughout the state, including facility closures, major job losses, a workforce crisis, and even displaced residents.


In 2003, THCA worked with other health care allies and legislative leadership to secure historic tort reform changes in Texas. THCA was the “go to” group regarding long-term care issues in this historic debate. Ask yourself, what have been the benefits to my facilities from the tort reform success? There are continuing threats to un-do elements of the reforms to maintain quality patient care, and continued vigilance is a major THCA priority.

With so much emphasis on reforming how long term care and other health programs are funded in an era of fiscal restraint, it has never been more important to ensure our lawmakers understand that preserving SNF funding adequacy is part of the solution to boosting cost efficiency, improving care coordination, and, ultimately, doing what is best for Texas’ most vulnerable seniors and persons with disabilities.

Obtained $23 million in GR for FY 2014 and an additional $72 million in GR for FY 2015 for a 2% rate increase in September 2013 and an additional 4% rate increase in September 2014.

Please contact Robert Dugas at for more information about joining THCA as a provider member.

Please email Bob Dugas, April Sartor, or call (512) 458-1257 for more information.

  • Annual Dues are $1000 per calendar year and are not pro-rated
  • Membership expires each December
  • Annual Dues are not inclusive of event registration

Only THCA Business Members in good standing may sponsor or attend THCA events.

Visit Business Memberships for a complete guide on sponsorship opportunities.