Information for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM)
ABM Contact: Gina Muniz,; (512) 458-1257


Sponsorships for all THCA hosted events are exclusively available to THCA Business Members Only.  If your business is not a member of THCA, contact Gina Muniz at; (512-458-1257).


It’s not too late to R.S.V.P to attend
April 10, 2019!

The Legislative Session that is currently underway in Austin will consider legislation to close the gap in our Medicaid funding. Action on this issue is long overdue.  We have to let our legislators and other state leaders know that this cannot be put off any longer.

As an Associate Business Member of THCA, it is important that your voice supporting long term care is heard in Austin this session. We would like to invite you attend our Associate Business Member Capitol Visit day Wednesday, April 10.  Attendees will receive a Legislative Briefing from THCA’s Government Relations Director, Scot Kibbe, along with packets/printed materials for your visits.

Before the visits, we ask that you set up meetings with your legislators. Please follow this link to determine your Texas House member and Senator:

If you plan to attend, please R.S.V.P. to Scot ( at your earliest opportunity.  This will ensure you receive any e-mail updates leading up to this event.