As part of the C to C initiative, each month THCA provides relevant news and best practices on a specific quality topic related to long term care. This September, THCA is striving to aid providers in implementing the INTERACT Program one step at a time; starting with the Advance Care Planning and Stop and Watch Tools.

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Spotlight: THCA Nurse Council.

THCA Nurse Council members are focused on improving clinical outcomes. This C to C Spotlight article discusses what the THCA Nurse Council members point to as a clinical Gold Standard for reducing re-hospitalizations.

Advance Care Planning Tracking Tool
Discuss advance care planning with residents and families? This handy form can help direct and document your conversations.

Advance Care Planning Communication Guide
This communications guide can assist health professionals with their discussions about resident goals and care preferences.

Identifying Residents Who May be Appropriate for Hospice or Palliative/Comfort Care Orders
Find out which residents may be appropriate for hospice or palliative/comfort care.

Comfort Care Order Set
Do you know a nursing home resident reluctant to enroll in hospice but needing a comfort care plan? These examples of comfort care interventions may be helpful.

Deciding About Going to the Hospital
Choosing between care in a nursing home or hospital can be difficult. Here are some outlines about benefits of both, to help residents and their families determine which option is best for them.

Education on CPR
This guide will help clinicians to have those difficult conversations with residents and families about the benefits, risks and options regarding CPR or no CPR.

Education on Tube Feeding
If a resident or family needs information on feeding tube treatment and options, this resource may be helpful to share as a starting point for conversation.

Stop and Watch Tools!

Please take a moment to review these useful tools in English and Spanish.