HHSC Begins Offsite Review of Complaint and Incident Intake Investigations
It is our understanding that HHSC is implementing a change to some complaint and incident intake investigations using a desk review process. Since a high number of intakes are not substantiated, the Commission began looking at alternate ways to better utilize resources of their investigators.
The major change is that HHSC staff will notify providers by phone when a desk review can be used for the investigation. The nursing facility will be allowed to provide information in writing to the Commission to show the facility’s investigation and correction. When contacting the facility, HHSC staff will identify themselves with name and organization and ask for the Administrator but could also ask for the DON if the Administrator is not available.
The facility will have 2 days to submit a response. Since these are mostly incidents that the facility has already investigated, information should be accessible to the facility. If you have questions or need clarification regarding the desk review, contact your Regional Office.
It is our understanding that the Commission has begun using this new process in some regions. HHSC is finalizing a Provider Letter to provide further details and information regarding the process. THCA will keep our members informed as we learn more about this change.