May 6-12: National Hospital Week
Since 1921, National Hospital Week has celebrated the history, technology and dedicated professionals that make facilities beacons of confidence and care Organized by: the American Hospital Association (AHA) www.aha.org
May 7-11: National Nurses Week
To promote nursing professionals for their dedication and commitment to advancing the health care field Organized by: the American Nurses Association (ANA) Address: 8515 Georgia Avenue, Suite 400, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3492 Main Line: 1-800-274-4ANA Website: http://nursingworld.org
May 13-19: National Skilled Nursing Care Week
To reflect how the long term care profession and every skilled care center promotes quality for their residents, patients, families, and staff Organized by: The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) Address: 1201 L St. NW, Washington, DC 20005 Main Line: (202)-842-4444 Website: www.ahcancal.org