There are several things you can do during this legislative session to help make a difference for long term care residents.
First, come to the Texas Capitol this year and see your state legislators. Check with your company and see if they have scheduled a Lobby Day that you can attend. Or just take a day (Tuesdays and Wednesdays preferred) and come down to Austin. We’ll give you materials and any other information you need to make your visits with legislators a success.
Second, find out who your Texas House member and Texas Senator are at this site. If you don’t know him or her, ask around to see if you know anyone who does. Ask the legislator to come by your facility on a weekend when they’re home.
Also, you can follow THCA on Facebook and Twitter, then share and retweet whenever you can.
Finally, you can simply TALK. Tell friends, family members, staff members, and others about the serious issues long term care faces and how help from the Legislature in 2019 is vital.
Call Scot Kibbe at 512-461-1964 or e-mail if you would like information.