Right Here, Right Now 
“Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value” Jim Rohn
The month of February marks the beginning of the second month of the 86th Legislature. Committees have been announced in both chambers and hearings have begun with initial focus on budget, public education and property tax reform. The only bills that can be heard at this stage are emergency items; however, there is still much work to be done. We are actively working with bill authors on all of our priority items (see “legislative priorities” on the website) as well as discussing the closures, bankruptcies and the staffing crisis, all directly related to Medicaid underfunding.
Stay tuned for ongoing updates thru “Capitol View” and make arrangements now to come to Austin and visit with your elected officials. If not now, when?
Lastly, speaking of urgency! If you have not signed up for PDPM training in Dallas or Houston, don’t delay. This is the most significant change in long term care reimbursement since PPS. The sessions have been developed by AHCA exclusively for members in your preparation for September implementation. Don’t delay.
Onward and Upward