THCA Region News






On August 24th THCA’s Scot Kibbe and Megan Reed travelled to San Antonio for a region 3 meeting. They spoke about legislative outreach and grassroots effort. A big THANK YOU to our sponsor of the meeting J-Med!

You can have Megan Reed, THCA’s Director of Membership & Outreach, and Scot Kibbe, THCA’s Director of Government Relations to come to your area with a CE approved presentation on Texas Legislative Outreach & Grassroots too. If you would like them to speak please reach out. Region meetings are currently in the works and meeting notices will be disseminated as details are finalized. If you are not currently receiving meeting notices from your region, please feel free to contact your respective Region Chair as listed below:

THCA Region THCA Region Chair Region Chair E-Mail
2 Michael Perkins
3 Raul Espinosa, Jr.
4 Julie Wyatt
7 Conner Greenspan
8 Jodi Scarbro
9 Jim Culp