Volume XXXI, Number 4
April 2016

President’s Report

“All anyone asks for is a chance to work with pride.”

–  W. Edwards Deming

“What got you interested in long term care?”

When we ask the question, we either hear the answer in the response or we see the answer in the actions taken. Often it’s a relationship or responsibility in caring for a family member, a personal mission to help others, or even a stepping stone to another career. Their hearts were captured and they never looked back.

The pride seen in the work performed by long term care employees across Texas and the outcomes for residents as a result of those efforts are subjects we do not stop to talk about enough.

Despite the ongoing challenges of significant funding shortfalls–combined with a model of oversight heavily reliant on inspection to improve quality–and the major changes brought about by managed care, we continue to see improvements in care delivery that are reflected in the quality measure data released monthly.

This week in Rockwall, we’ll be hosting our Spring Conference and Vendor Fair, titled “Commitment to Care”. With education tracks specifically designed to support activity professionals, clinical teams and administration, this year’s Spring Conference is set to reinforce the pride that exists in caring for those you serve on a daily basis.

We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and …. we take pride in standing with you and on your behalf to address the challenges that inhibit your efforts to go above and beyond.  I hope to see you in Rockwall, and greatly appreciate everything you do.


Onward and Upward.

President’s Report

  • President’s Report – April 2016

 Legislative Update

Commitment to Care


If you have any questions about the THCA Commitment to Care Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams by email or call (512) 458-1257.

State / THCA News

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Announcements & Recognition


?’s About THCAPAC…Contact Us

Ron Payne,

Mark McKenzie,

Gina Muniz,

Scot Kibbe,

Region News



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