Volume XXXI, Number 2
February 2016

HHSC Issues Guidance on 2015 Medicaid Cost Report Training

On January 14, 2016 the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) issued Information Letter N. 16-01 to provide direction in regard to 2015 Medicaid Cost Report Training. In the letter, HHSC reminds providers that cost report training is required every other year for the odd-year cost report in order for the preparer to be qualified to submit both that odd-year cost report and the following even-year cost report. For that reason, all preparers must complete cost report training for the 2015 cost report for a specific program in order to prepare a 2015 cost report.

All cost report training is offered via webinar, and there are separate webinars for new preparers and for those who have taken cost report training in previous years for each program. Further, each webinar will include both the general and program-specific content for a program.

Additional information regarding the on-line training can be found on HHSC’s Rate Analysis Department website. A copy of Information Letter No. 16-01 can be found here. Questions regarding cost report training for nursing facilities should be emailed to HHSC’s Brian King.

“COMMITMENT TO CARE” – THCA 2016 Spring Conference & Resource Fair


 Legislative Update

Notice: Before you e-mail your legislator, make sure you have the latest address.  As of February 1, House and Senate e-mail addresses have been updated from @house.state.tx.us and @senate.state.tx.us to @house.texas.gov and @senate.texas.gov


 Commitment to Care

If you have any questions about the THCA Commitment to Care Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams by email or call (512) 458-1257.


State / THCA News

  • HHSC Issues Guidance on 2015 Medicaid Cost Report Training


Announcements & Recognition

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