THCA Notes
Volume XXXI, Number 9
September 2016
News from the Regions……
THCA Region 2:
We are happy to advise that we have two (2) candidates interested in leading the region as THCA Region 2 Chair. As such, we will hold a Networking Luncheon & Election on Tuesday, September 21st at the beautiful Green Tree County Club in Midland, TX. Please plan to attend for fellowship, peer-to-peer support and to elect your new leader! Meeting notice with specifics will be disseminated to members this week. If you have any questions, please contact Gina Muniz at the THCA office.
THCA Region 5:
THCA Region 5 will hold their next membership meeting on September 13th; 3:00pm at the Rentsch Brewery, 2500 NE Inner Loop, Georgetown, TX. Guest Speaker will be Gavin Gadberry with THCA Business Member, The Underwood Law Firm. Gavin will present on Advanced Directives with Administrators and Nurses in attendance receiving 1 hour of continuing education credit with Ethics. R.S.V.P. to THCA Region 5 Chair, Sean Phillips at
THCA Regions 8 & 9:
Region Chairs are finalizing a speaker for their next joint meeting to be held in late September. Meeting notices will be disseminated to members this week. If you are not currently receiving meeting information for these regions, please e-mail a request to be added to the distribution list (include your name and facility/company name) to Toni Felts at
Questions? Contact your Region Chair or THC staff Gina Muniz at
President’s Report
Legislative Update
Commitment to Care
State / THCA News
National / AHCA News
Top 5 Reasons to Attend the 2016 THCA Annual Convention and Trade Show
Announcements & Recognition
THCA Associate Business Member News
THCA Region News
- THCA Region News – September 2016