State Sen. Dawn Buckingham is Long Term Care Champion
November 6, 2019 CONTACT: Scot Kibbe, (512) 458-1257
State Sen. Dawn Buckingham is Long Term Care Champion
Texas Health Care Association honors lawmaker for efforts to improve nursing home care
AUSTIN, Texas State Sen. Dawn Buckingham has been named “Champion for Long Term Care” for her efforts to improve nursing home care across the state.
The award has been given by the Texas Health Care Association (THCA), a statewide organization which advocates for improved long term care.
“Families with a loved one receiving long term care should know that Sen. Buckingham is a champion for them in Austin,” said Kevin Warren, President and CEO of the Texas Health Care Association,. “We are grateful for Sen. Buckingham’s commitment to ensuring senior Texans who live in a nursing home receive the best care possible.”
Buckingham will be recognized for her efforts at a ceremony held on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at Killeen Nursing & Rehabilitation in Killeen at 1 p.m. During the 86th legislative session, she was instrumental in the passage of legislation to streamline and strengthen the inspection process for nursing homes.
“As a physician, Sen. Buckingham understands the challenges long term care providers face in caring for elderly Texans,” Warren said. She also recognizes the need to provide families with the confidence that their loved ones are being cared for appropriately.”
Senator Buckingham said caring for senior Texans will always be important to her.
“How we care for those who have cared for us says a lot about our priorities as a society,” she said.” As long as I serve the state of Texas, I will devote myself to helping ensure Texans living in our nursing homes are a priority and that they receive the care we would want for ourselves.”
About THCA
Founded in 1950, the Texas Health Care Association (THCA) is the largest long term care association in Texas. THCA’s membership is comprised of several hundred licensed nonprofit and for-profit skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), specialized rehabilitation facilities and assisted living facilities in Texas. These facilities provide comprehensive, around-the-clock nursing care for chronically ill or short-term residents of all ages, along with rehabilitative and specialized medical programs. THCA also represents more than 190 long term care businesses that provide products and services to the more than 3,200 nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the state. To learn more, visit or connect with THCA on Facebook or Twitter.