THCA PAC Endorses State House of Representatives Democratic Candidate Tomas Uresti

February 26, 2016



For Immediate Release                                                                                                     Contact: Rebecca Reid          
February 26, 2016                                                                                                                               410-212-3843


Texas Health Care Association PAC Endorses State House of Representatives Democratic Candidate Tomas Uresti in the Primary Election for District 118


Skilled Nursing Providers Lend Support to Candidate on the Eve of March 1st Election


(Austin, TX) – The political action committee (PAC) of Texas’ largest association representing nursing home providers across the state, the Texas Health Care Association (THCA), announced its endorsement today of Tomas Uresti, Democratic candidate for the District 118 seat in the Texas House of Representatives.  THCA PAC leaders cited Uresti’s support for senior health care issues and his understanding of the need to address the serious issues in staffing in the long term care sector.

“Tomas Uresti has made senior issues a priority of his campaign and that aligns with nursing home providers who see the health and well-being of seniors as a top legislative priority,” said Kevin Warren, CEO of the THCA. “It is clear that candidate Uresti is able to work with community leaders, understands the needs of his district’s most pressing issues and will stand as a committed advocate for his constituents.”

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About THCA

Founded in 1950, the Texas Health Care Association (THCA) is the largest long-term care association in Texas. THCA’s membership is comprised of several hundred licensed non-profit and for-profit skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), specialized rehabilitation facilities and assisted living facilities in Texas. These facilities provide comprehensive, around-the-clock nursing care for chronically ill or short-term residents of all ages, along with rehabilitative and specialized medical programs. THCA also represents more than 190 long-term care businesses that provide products and services to the state’s approximately 2,850 nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

To learn more, visit or connect with THCA on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.