February 2018 Associate Business Members down arrow

 Information for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM) ABM Contact: Gina Muniz,mailto:gmuniz@txhca.org; (512) 458-1257 THCA Board of Directors Meeting Sponsorships: NEW THIS YEAR! Have your company sponsor a THCA Board of … + Read More

January 2018 – Business Members Update down arrow

Information for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM) ABM Contact: Gina Muniz, gmuniz@txhca.org; (512) 458-1257   THCA Associate Business Members: As mentioned in the December e-mail to all THCA ABM from … + Read More

August Update down arrow

Information for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM) ABM Contact: Gina Muniz, gmuniz@txhca.org * (512) 458-1257   November 6-9, 2017 Hilton of Americas–Houston CLICK HERE to secure your company’s participation by … + Read More

2017 THCA Summer Meeting down arrow

Information for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM) ABM Contact: Gina Muniz, gmuniz@txhca.org; (512) 458-1257 2017 THCA Summer Meeting Opportunities for THCA Associate Business Members (AMB)   NOTE: Attendance by Representatives … + Read More

Activate Your Advocacy down arrow

Information for THCA Associate Business Members ACTIVATE YOUR ADVOCACY The Nursing Facility Reinvestment Allowance (NFRA) Senate Bill 1130/Hinojosa; and its Companion House Bill 2766/Sheffield   As communicated on March 23rd … + Read More

Information & Networking Opportunities! down arrow

Information & Networking Opportunities for THCA Associate Business Members Your Presence at the Texas Capitol is Needed Now!   THCA is currently providing morning Legislative Briefings at the THCA office on … + Read More