THCA Regions Update down arrow

    THCA Region News           On August 24th THCA’s Scot Kibbe and Megan Reed travelled to San Antonio for a region 3 meeting. They spoke … + Read More

Time To “Re-Charge”! down arrow

With the many challenges we face daily, it’s “Time To Re-Charge!” THCA Region Chairs encourage all Long Term Care Professionals to attend the upcoming THCA Summer Conference, July 10-14th, 2017 … + Read More

Regions’ News down arrow

Long Term Care is Tough! -Submitted by: Julie Wyatt, LNFA, THCA Region 4 Chair   If anyone ever asks you, working in Long Term Care is tough! It’s hard physically, … + Read More

News from the Regions down arrow

Advocates in Action — We Need You! – Raul Espinosa, Jr., THCA Region 3 Chair The long term care industry is met with tremendous challenges daily. Beyond providing for the residents’ … + Read More

News from the Regions down arrow

News from the Regions…… -Submitted by: Jim Culp, THCA Region 9 Chair THCA Members, It is extremely vital that we stay active with messaging on both the Congressional level and … + Read More