HHSC Abuse and Neglect Provider Letter
It has come to THCA’s attention that two versions of HHSC Provider Letter 17-18 were posted on the agency’s website. The provider letter is titled “Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, Misappropriation of Resident Property, and Other Incidents that Must Be Reported to the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.” The document was posted on the DADS/HHSC website in May 2017. Although both documents have the date of May 3, 2017, the original document that was posted included an attachment “Resident-to-Resident Incidents, including sexual activity.” The resident-to-resident attachment was deleted from the second posting. The original was posted on the HHSC website (including the attachment) and the second version was posted later without the Resident-to-Resident attachment. THCA wanted to make you aware that for the past year facilities may have followed one version of the provider letter and received a tag based on a different version.
THCA brought this to the Commission’s attention and HHSC/Regulatory reported last week that they are working on a new Provider Letter to address the reporting requirements.