ABM Contact: Gina Muniz, gmuniz@txhca.org; (512) 458-1257





November 6-9, 2017
Hilton Americas – Houston


THCA Associate Business Member Registration, Sponsorship & Advertising opportunities for this event is open!  CLICK HERE to view what each Registration includes, as well as the many Sponsorship & Advertising opportunities available to have your company name visible to the attendees! Secure your company’s participation by registering today!  If you have any questions, contact Gina Muniz at the THCA office.

A big THANK YOU to the companies that have already registered! Please don’t forget to submit the requested information noted in your confirmation e-mail (name badge list, drawing prize info, company description and contact for the convention program, etc.).  We plan to promote the convention using the information, so the sooner you submit it, the better!

Information from the Capitol:

THCA Business members should be aware of an issue that was discussed last month in Austin at a meeting of the House Human Services Committee.

On August 9, the committee took up the subject of managed care organizations (MCOs) going to a sole source vendor program for goods and services. Currently, this is only being used by an MCO participating in the CHIP and another in Medicaid Home Health. However, it is possible that this could extend to long term care.

Members of the committee expressed concern about the impact of this type of agreement on patient choice, access to emergency care, quality, and other issues. State Medicaid Director Jami Snyder told the committee the state would ensure an opt-out process would be available for patients and would work to make sure quality service to patients continues.

THCA will continue to monitor this issue and provide information to members as it becomes available.  If you have any questions, please contact Scot Kibbe, THCA Director of Government Relations.