From the President’s Desk… 
This week in Las Vegas, AHCA held their 68th Annual Convention. During the opening session, there was time taken to recognize the efforts of Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico nursing facilities and assisted living facilities protecting the health and safety of your residents during the devastating hurricanes. Throughout the week, I was approached by attendees from all across the country (providers and business members) wanting to know how you all in the hurricane affected areas are doing and offering their thoughts, prayers and support. Just as we saw Texans come together to help one another, we continue to receive donations and offers of support from across the country wanting to lend a hand.
Locally, I look forward to seeing all of you in November at the THCA 67th Annual Convention and Trade Show in Houston, Texas just a few weeks away! With the ongoing efforts of recovery, there has never been a better time to be in Houston and the opportunity for THCA to support the city called home by over 2.3 million people!
We look forward to seeing everyone there!