HHSC has been in communication with THCA regarding Component One (QAPI) submission requirements for QIPP. Based upon the first round of submissions and communications with QIPP participants, HHSC has developed the following questions to provide additional clarification and direction:

NOTE: If your facilities are participating in QIPP, it is important that facility leadership understand the submission requirements and expectations in order to meet the submission requirements and avoid missing payments because program requirements have not been met.

QIPP QAPI Validation Report Forms:

Q: What should the title of my QAPI Validation Report form include?
A: The title of the QAPI Validation Report form file must include the following:

  • Facility Name
  • Month and Year the QAPI Meeting Took Place
    • Example: Stoneybrook Manor September 2017

Q: Where should I send my QAPI Validation Report form?
A: The QAPI Validation Report form should be sent to: MCS_QIPP_QAPI@hhsc.state.tx.us.

Q: Where should I send my questions related to QAPI and QIPP?
A: Send questions regarding QAPI and QIPP to QIPP@hhsc.state.tx.us.

Q: Do I need to include anything specific in the subject line of my email?
A: Yes.  The subject line of your email must include the following:

  • Month and Year the QAPI Meeting Took Place
  • Date and Time the QAPI Meeting Took Place
  • Facility ID Number as shown below:
    • Example of a Correct subject line: October 2017 QAPI meeting report 10-5-17 at 3:00p.m. 4016
    • Emails have been received with the incorrect information in the subject line, for example: AUGUST 2017 QAPI meeting report 09/01/17 @ 1:00 p.m. 0123. This would be incorrect, as the NF’s meeting took place in September; however, the subject line shows August.

Q: My facility is private; do I need to turn in a QAPI Validation Report form?
A: No, private nursing facilities participating in QIPP are not eligible for payments under QIPP Component One; therefore you will not need to turn in a QAPI Validation Report form.

Q: What is the due date of my monthly QAPI Validation Report form?
A: The monthly QAPI Validation Report form is due by close of business (COB) no later than the 1st business day following the end of the month being reported. For example, September 2017 QAPI Validation Report forms are due to HHSC in the required email box no later than COB on October 2, 2017.

Q: What happens if HHSC doesn’t receive my QAPI Validation Report form by the deadline?
A: If a participating facility fails to submit their QAPI Validation Report form by the deadline it will result in a forfeiture of that month’s QIPP Component One payment.

Register Now for Oct. 25 QIPP Training Webinar

NFs participating in QIPP year 1 may now register for a training webinar October 25 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Central Time).

Webinar topics include:

  • QIPP overview
  • Component specific information
  • Updated QIPP procedures
  • QIPP timelines
  • Updates to QIPP related to Hurricane Harvey
  • How QIPP complaints will be handled

Email questions or concerns to QIPP@hhsc.state.tx.us.