September Announcements & Recognitions down arrow

September 8th Deadline Extended to September 15th Don’t miss this EXCELLENT opportunity to provide positive recognition to your facility and staff though the THCA Awards Program! THCA 2017 Awards & … + Read More

September PAC Update down arrow

    It’s time to replenish our PAC account so please join or re-join the THCA-PAC Personal Contributors Club. It’s easy – You select the Club Level you’d like to … + Read More

THCA Regions Update down arrow

    THCA Region News           On August 24th THCA’s Scot Kibbe and Megan Reed travelled to San Antonio for a region 3 meeting. They spoke … + Read More

September – Update down arrow

Medicaid Eligibility – Facility Contacts, Escalations & Eligibility Renewals The overall Medicaid Eligibility process has been met with many challenges including, but not limited to, lack of access to the … + Read More