HHSC/DADS is currently updating their nursing facility posters and will mail revised posters by the end of October to facilities requesting them.
For you convenience, the State has provided the below PDF versions of the revised posters.
17D0653 NF Residents Rights bilingual posters (22X17)
17D0653 HHS Regulatory Facility posters (12X17)
17D0653 HHS All Facility bilingual poster (22X17) final3
The State has created and made available to providers the following postings required by 40 TAC, Chapter 19, including the following:
- a notice that inspection and survey reports are available at the facility for public inspection;
- the statement of resident rights;
- a notice that employees, residents, volunteers, family members and guardians of residents are protected from discrimination or retaliation for reporting abuse or neglect of a resident; and
- a sign that persons may not enter the premises with a handgun.
Individual posters or complete sets of these posters can be obtained by calling DADS Regulatory Services Records Management at (512) 438-2633 or e-mailing a request to rs.recordsmgmt@dads.state.tx.us