Volume XXX, Number 4,
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) MDS focused dementia care surveysIn early April, CMS will begin training surveyors in order to expand the MDS-Focused Survey. AHCA has developed a tip sheet for providers developed by a joint workgroup of the Survey/Regulatory and Clinical Practice Committees. CLICK HERE to view the tip sheet which includes an entrance document that a “test center” was given prior to an MDS-focused survey in early March. On March 27th the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued Survey and Certification Memo S&C 15-31. Included in this memorandum is the 2014 Final Report on the Focused Dementia Care Survey Pilot and announcement of the 2015 Expansion Project. A summary of the memo includes: Final Report: A final report that outlines the basis for the Focused Dementia Care Survey Pilot, the process utilized, conclusions gathered based upon post-pilot data analysis, as well as next steps for the future. Expansion of Focused Dementia Care Survey Efforts: The CMS plans to expand upon the work of the focused survey pilot and has invited States to conduct such surveys in FY2015 on a voluntary basis. The expansion project will involve a more intensive, targeted effort to improve surveyor effectiveness in citing poor dementia care and the overutilization of antipsychotic medications, and broaden the opportunities for quality improvement among providers. Deficiency Implications: Deficient practices noted during the surveys will result in relevant citations. In the event that additional care concerns are identified during on-site reviews, those concerns will be investigated during the survey or will be referred to the State Agency as a complaint for further review. CLICK HERE to view the S&C letter. |
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If you have suggestions for education sessions or questions about THCA education, please contact Sue Wilson at the THCA office swilson@txhca.org. Calendar |