Volume XXXI, Number 4
April 2016


“How To Make A Difference”

-Submitted by:
Jeff Tait, Chair of the
THCA Administrators Council

I recently read an article on “10 ways to make a difference in your community in 30 minutes or less” and it had some interesting comments that we can all benefit from. Five ways that the article sites to make a difference are as follows:

  1. Get involved educating and encouraging your elected officials
  2. Feed the elderly
  3. Vote
  4. Look for opportunities to give
  5. Encourage your employer /employees to sponsor community needs (ex. join a civic organization)

I know many of you do not have 30 minutes left at the end of your day, so let THCA-PAC make a difference in your community.

By joining and making a one-time contribution or giving more regularly on a monthly or quarterly basis will enable THCAPAC to “join together to educate and persuade Texas’ leadership that the people we care for in our facilities must be one of our states priorities.” This simple step of becoming an active member will fulfill three of the above five ways to get involved.

As members of THCA we have an avenue of getting active and making a difference through THCAPAC.

It will take less than 30 minutes and you would make a difference. If you are not registered on the THCA website, please contact Gina Muniz at gmuniz@txhca.org and she will insure you have access to a wealth of information on the members section of the site.

START TODAY by logging onto the THCAPAC PAGE

Note: Contributions to THCAPAC are personal political contributions. THCAPAC does not accept Corporate Contributions.

Messages from Your Region Chairs

THCA Region 3

(San Antonio and surrounding): Members would like to thank Joann Murtaugh, RPh, Pharmacist Quality Monitor, Texas DADS, for providing an excellent presentation on “Rapid Response Team and Dementia Surveys” at our March meeting, as well as THCA Associate Business Member Alamo Mobile X-ray & EKG Services for supporting the meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for May 19th where we have a special guest attending with a presentation providing CE’s for LNFA’s, AL Managers, Nurses & Social Workers. If you are not currently on this Region’s mailing list, but would like to be, please send an email request to THCA Region 3 Chair, Raul Espinosa at respinosa@swltc.com

THCA Region 5

Region Chair Sean Phillips has tentatively rescheduled the next Region 5 meeting for May 12th in Georgetown. Details are being finalized and will be disseminated via e-mail. If you are interested in joining this Regions meeting distribution list, please e-mail your request to Sean at sphillips@seniorcarecentersltc.com. THCA Business members interested in sponsoring this meeting should also contact Sean.

THCA Regions 8 & 9

Region Chairs Jodi Scarbro and James Culp are finalizing details for the rescheduled, “Advanced Directives” meeting presentation with CE’s for LNFA’s, AL Managers, Nurses and Social Workers for later this month. We are re-building our region meeting distribution list, so please contact Toni Felts at tfelts@metrostat.us with your current company e-mail address to ensure you continue/begin to receive meeting notice & reminders for the joint THCA Regions 8 & 9 meetings this year. THCA Business members interested in sponsoring the meeting, should contact Region 9 Chair, James Culp at james.culp@genesishcc.com.

President’s Report

 Legislative Update

Commitment to Care


If you have any questions about the THCA Commitment to Care Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams by email or call (512) 458-1257.

State / THCA News

National / AHCA News

Announcements & Recognition


?’s About THCAPAC…Contact Us

Ron Payne,

Mark McKenzie,

Gina Muniz,

Scot Kibbe,

Region News

  • Region News – April 2016



Visit, Like and Follow THCA….

Are you familiar with THCA’s Website, Facebook Page & Twitter Account? We utilize these portals to provide information & tools for long term care providers / caregivers, family members, LTC advocates, and to share the wonderful events, celebrations, etc. that take place in Texas Nursing, Rehabilitation & Assisted Living facilities!

Visit our Website, “Like” our Facebook page and “Follow” us on Twitter! And please encourage your staff to as well!

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