Volume XXXI, Number 5
May 2016

Funding Message Hitting Legislators

Texas legislators are hearing loud and clear that, despite the state’s fiscal concerns, increasing funding for long term care cannot wait.

First, THCA Director of Government Relations Scot Kibbe testified to a subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee that a majority of Texas nursing homes are losing money on every Medicaid resident. Kibbe described to the committee how low reimbursement rates make it difficult for providers to retain good staff and maintain their facilities.

That testimony was followed by media coverage around the state. Most of the stories focused on the fact that certified nursing assistants (CNAs) are often paid less than employees in a fast food restaurant.

An editorial in the Houston Chronicle on April 15 also called attention to the problem.

“The state’s low Medicaid reimbursement rate contributes to the revolving door at nursing home facilities,” the writers said. “With the state’s 65 and older population booming, lawmakers must stop paying lip service to protecting seniors and get serious about providing continuity of care for our aging population.”

In addition, senior advocates are lending their voices in support of better funding. The Silver Haired Legislature, which has lobbied on behalf of Texas seniors for almost 30 years, has listed increasing the Medicaid reimbursement for nursing homes among its priorities for the next legislative session.

President’s Report

 Legislative Update

  • Funding Message Hitting Legislators

Commitment to Care


If you have any questions about the THCA Commitment to Care Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams by email or call (512) 458-1257.

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