ahcancalED: Water Management Training down arrow

Water Management Training Available for Nursing and Assisted Living Facilities Skilled nursing and assisted living centers provide care for vulnerable people who can become critically ill when steps are not … + Read More

ahcancalED: PDPM Academy 2020 down arrow

The AHCA PDPM Academy 2020 Subscription Delivers the Best Value Register now for the AHCA PDPM Academy 2020 Subscription – Building Optimal Operational Capacities©. This subscription takes the place of … + Read More

HUB International down arrow

By Michelle Clark A “silver tsunami” is sweeping over today’s society as huge numbers of Baby Boomers advance into their so-called golden years. The senior living sector is among those … + Read More

President’s Report down arrow

Acronyms, Agencies and Engaging the Legislature from “Home” “Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.” Denis Waitley Efforts have continued over the past month, both … + Read More

HUB International down arrow

By Barbara Hawes and Cory Jorbin Miracles do happen, and we are witnessing them increasingly in science and medicine. Advances in gene therapy are producing exciting breakthroughs like Zolgenzma, a … + Read More

ABM News February 2020 down arrow

Information for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM ABM Contact:  Angela Torres, atorres12@txhca.org, (512) 458-1257 THCA Associate Business Members (ABM): Thank you to all that answered the “Call for Committee Nominations” … + Read More

Announcements & Recognitions down arrow

Welcome to our Newest Business Members! Please take a moment to learn about the services/products each provide: 24 Karat Health Solutions www.24k.health 24 Karat Health Solutions is a management and … + Read More