Information for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM)
ABM Contact: Gina Muniz,; (512) 458-1257
Preparing for 2019 Events, Activities and Membership Benefits for THCA Business Members
A ‘Preparing for 2019” informational e-mail was previously disseminated to all 2018 Business Member/Representatives. As a reminder, here’s a follow-up on that correspondence:
Capital Visits: Be an Active Advocate for Long Term Care before the Texas Legislature. “Every Voice Counts!”: With the 86th Texas Legislature now in session, this is a key time for all long term care professionals, Providers and Business Members, to unite, be as informed as possible, and reach out to our Texas Legislators. Take advantage of walking the halls of the Texas Capitol with your clients/potential clients and visit with members of the Texas Legislature and/or their Healthcare staff to educate them on long term care as it relates to operators and the businesses that provide services and products to them – share your stories. A Capitol Visit Day for THCA Business Members is also being scheduled. Scot Kibbe, THCA’s Director of Government Relations, will be in contact with more information as schedules and details are finalized.
THCA Region Meetings: THCA Region Chairs host Regional Meetings in each of their respective areas across the state for long term care providers. This is an excellent and exclusive opportunity for THCA Associate Business Members/Representatives to attend, sponsor and/or partner with THCA’s Education Foundation to provide an informative educational presentation with Continuing Education Credit for attendees. If you are not familiar with the THCA Regional meetings and would like to learn more, contact Megan Reed, THCA’s Director of Membership Outreach.
THCA-Education Foundation – “Call for Presentations”: We recognize that THCA Business Members have a wealth of knowledge in areas that long term care providers have a need or interest in knowing. As such, this opportunity provides your company with the ability to share that knowledge before an audience of long term care operators. Call for Presentations submissions by THCA Business Members receive priority when selection on topics identified as needed are made. If your company has an interest in providing and educational offering at a THCA hosted meeting or conference, this is your opportunity to submit a presentation for consideration and possible selection. All submission are due by January 31st. Go to for more information. Questions? Contact Angela Torres, THCA’s Professional Development Director.
2019 THCA Hosted Annual Events: ***NEW Schedule Shift Starts in 2019****
Registration and Sponsorship opportunities for Business Members/Representatives will be e-mailed to current THCA Business Members as each event nears.
Activity Professionals Annual Conference (inviting Social Workers): April 1-2, 2019
Annual Summer Conference: Monday, June 24-27, 2019
Annual Convention & Trade Show: Monday, September 16-19, 2019
ACTIVITY PROFESSIONALS ANNUAL CONFERENCE (this year inviting Social Workers): Support through sponsorship for this event is asked of our business member community as we host it for those who contribute a great deal to ensure residents in long term care communities receive quality of life activities. Sponsorship also allows for your company representatives to attend to show your support of these wonderful individuals and attend the “Connection Reception” scheduled for the attendees.
SUMMER CONFERENCE, June 24-27, 2019, Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort/Lost Pines (Bastrop), TX
THCA’s 2019 Summer Conference hosts a variety of leadership meetings (THCA Board of Directors Meeting, THCA Board of Directors Work Session, THCA Owner’s Meeting, various THCA Committee & Council Meetings); Continuing Education Sessions for LTC Provider Licensed Professionals; receptions, etc. Support and Networking opportunities for THCA Associate Business Members is limited and only available through Conference Sponsorship (includes ability to network with attendees throughout the entire 4 day conference).
NOTE: Sponsorship/Participation for THCAPAC Fundraising Events (Golf Tournament, etc.) held in conjunction with this conference are separate.
ANNUAL CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW, September 16-19, 2019, Gaylord Texan/Grapevine (Dallas), TX
THCA’s Annual Convention & Trade Show is the annual event where Texas LTC Professionals convene for a week of professional development, various leadership meetings, peer support and networking.
Support and Networking opportunities for THCA Associate Business Members are available through the Associate Business Member Registration which includes a potpourri of opportunities. Highlights of the benefits include:
- Reception hosted by THCA Leadership (Owners/operators of THCA member facilities) exclusively for our registered Associate Business Members;
- Monday evening: Welcome Reception for all convention provider attendees and registered associate business members;
- Admission to Keynote and any other conference sessions of interest;
NOTE: Sponsorship/Participation for THCAPAC Fundraising Events (PAC Party, etc.) held in conjunction with this convention are separate from Convention registration.
Membership Dues
THCA 2019 Associate Business Membership Dues Statements were mailed to your billing office mid-December, followed by an e-mail with a secure online payment link. I encourage you to ensure your company has submitted or is processing your renewals to ensure your company’s exclusive opportunity to network at THCA meetings, events and registration for conferences and conventions; as well as receive information disseminated to THCA membership (ex. Monthly Newsletter, Weekly Legislative Updates, Advance notice of Conference and Convention Registration information for ABM). If you’d like a copy of your company’s membership dues statement be resent, e-mail a request to
If you have any questions relative to your business membership benefits and activities, please contact THCA’s Director of Business Member relations, Gina Muniz; (512) 458-1257.