Supports the Goals of
Successful person-directed care, and the culture change it involves, depends on strong leadership as its most essential ingredient. We are seeking 400 inspired, passionate leaders from 100 Texas long-term care communities. An exciting new grant project is coming to Texas that will also support the goals of the Texas Health Care Association’s Commitment to Care initiative. This project will help you:
- Build a leadership toolkit to drive positive change in your organization;
- Experience cutting edge training at minimal cost to you or your organization;
- Access peer networks with opportunities to share best practices;
- Gain insight and strategies from seasoned leaders and culture change experts; and
- Create a sustainable leadership legacy within the organization.
Through CMP funds from the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, The Eden Alternative is facilitating a 2-year project in Texas designed to provide long-term care leaders with the skills and tools they need to successfully transform their organizational culture. With strong leadership, motivation and commitment rise exponentially. Teams develop the ability and flexibility to tackle complex challenges with creativity and confidence. And perhaps most importantly, strong leaders learn to grow other leaders.
Project Scope
For this grant-funded project, 100 long-term care communities will enroll 4 individuals each (for a total of 400 participants) in a comprehensive educational experience. Since there are 4 training sites as options (Houston, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Austin, if the four participant leaders need to attend different training sessions that is permissible. The 4 participants will be formal leaders in their organization, ideally the Administrator, the Director of Nursing, the Director of Social Work, and Life Enrichment Director, who commit to:
- Completing 3 unique educational experiences that build on each other experientially;
- Participating in a coaching process with professional consultants skilled in supporting successful organizational change in long-term care;
- Actively applying what they have learned back in their organizations; and
- Participating in all aspects of a comprehensive evaluation process.
Participation in project training, consultation, and evaluation activities are fully funded and occur at no cost to project participants. Participants will be responsible, however, for any travel and lodging expenses associated with attending the in-person training events.
Project Timeline and Participant Activities
The first step of the Project is:
April – June 2016: Education Cycle — Certified Eden Associate Training
Certified Eden Associate Training offers practical tools, resources, and inspiration that empower individuals and interdisciplinary teams to initiate and sustain effective cultural change in long-term care over time. Content is driven through the Ten Principles of the Eden Alternative Philosophy and provides a strong, principle-based foundation for implementing person-directed care.
- Houston, Texas April 25-27, 2016
- Fort Worth, Texas May 18-20, 2016
- San Antonio, Texas June 6-8, 2016
- Austin, Texas June 13-15, 2016
Participants begin implementing concepts learned immediately after experiencing the training.
For more information and to register your Team click HERE.
President’s Report
Legislative Update
Commitment to Care
- Leveraging Leadership to Drive Sustainable Change – Educational Based Grant Project from the Eden Alternative
If you have any questions about the THCA Commitment to Care Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams by email or call (512) 458-1257.
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