Volume XXXI, Number 8
President’s Report
Moving thru Summer, Moving Downtown, and Moving towards Fall“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself” The last couple of weeks of summer break are upon us. Kids (and parents) are anxiously awaiting the start of school later this month. And traffic, in cities and towns across Texas, will increase even more. I want to thank everyone who was able to attend this year’s Summer Conference in Bastrop this past month. We had a really good turnout, with great speakers, wonderful support from our associate business members and a productive and successful Board work session in preparation for this upcoming legislative session. As you hopefully have received notice, THCA moved our offices to downtown Austin at the beginning of the month. We will be planning an open house for next month (September), but the next time you’re in Austin, please take time to come by and see your association’s new home. Lastly, in a little over three months, THCA will host its 66th Annual Convention and Trade Show in San Antonio, Texas. Registration opens on Monday, and we hope to make it our biggest convention ever. “Unity is Strength” is the theme of this year’s convention. As we continue towards the fall and working with you and on your behalf, to provide the best for your communities, uniting as one at both the local and state level will become ever more important. Stay tuned, stay committed, and thank you for what you do!….Onward and Upward.
President’s Report
Legislative UpdateCommitment to CareState / THCA NewsNational / AHCA NewsEducationAttendee Registration Opens for 2016 THCA Annual Convention and Trade Show Announcements & RecognitionTHCA Associate Business Member NewsTHCA PACCalendar |