Volume XXX, Number 6
THCA 65th Annual Convention & Trade ShowJoin us as we celebrate 65 years of promoting and supporting providers’ commitment and devotion to the delivery of quality care. Below is a sample of what is to come! In addition to many featured speakers and valuable breakout sessions throughout the week, we’re offering three keynote sessions to keep you fully engaged. ◊◊◊◊◊ Tuesday Morning Opening Keynote SpeakerAric Bostick’s FIRED UP! model uses seven simple but powerful concepts to inject engagement into the hearts of your employees. ◊◊◊◊◊ Wednesday Morning Keynote Speaker
It All Starts With Attitude!” ◊◊◊◊◊ Thursday Morning Closing Keynote SpeakerSHED OR YOU’RE DEAD: HOW TO STAY ALIVE & THRIVE IN THE MIDST OF HEALTHCARE CHANGE™ Organizations that equip their people to SHED faster & quicker will be the ones that survive & thrive! This keynote is packed with practical strategies for immediate implementation back on the job and personally! Kathy brings powerful, energetic and fun SHED message. As a former ER Trauma Nurse & Hospital Exec, she understands day to day challenges. FOR EXTRA REINFORCEMENT AND ROI, PARTICIPANTS OF THE SESSION WILL RECEIVE:
◊◊◊◊◊ Other Featured Speakers include:Theresa Bennett, RN, BSN, Technical Advisor, Division of Survey and Certification, Dallas Regional Office Glenn Bodinson, FACHE, AHCA Master Examiner, Baldrige Coach Cheryl Boldt, RN, NHA, Senior Consultant, Maun-Lemke Speaking and Consulting, LLC Pat Boyer, MSN, RN, NHA, Director of Clinical Services, Wipfli, LLP Peggy Connorton, NHFA, Director, Quality and LTC Trend Tracker, American Health Care Association Carla J Cox, Jackson Walker, LLP Mark J. Gloth, D.O., M.B.A., Chief Medical Officer, HCR ManorCare William ‘Bill’ Hopkins, Partner, HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP Gary Jessee, Deputy Director, Program Operations – Medicaid/CHIP, Health and Human Services Commission Marisa Luera, Senior Project Manager, Medicaid/CHIP, Health and Human Services Commission Melody Malone, PT, CPHQ, MHA, TMF Health Quality Institute Todd A. Mackenzie, MS, LNFA, Executive Director, Brookdale Lakeway Marguerite McLaughlin, Senior Director of Quality, American Health Care Association Kelly A. McDonald, Carls McDonald & Dalrymple, LLP Ginger Odle, PT, MS, Manager, Enforcement Branch, Dallas Division of Survey & Certification, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nick Sloan, CEM, TEM, CBCP, CHS-I, Director of Emergency Management, Environmental Safety & Emergency Management, BaylorScott & White Julie Sulik, RN, Vice-President of Clinical Services, Southwest LTC Mary Tellis-Nyak, Vice President, Quality Initiatives, MyInnerView/RNC Sylvia Salvato, Nursing Facility Specialist, Medicaid/CHIP, Health and Human Services Commission Lisa A Thomson, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer, Pathway Health Peg Tobin, RN, President, Tobin and Associated, The Leadership Connection Dr. Elaine Traylor, Licensed Psychologist and Director, Deer Oaks Fred Worley, Architect, Department of Aging and Disability Services Paul Wray, Director of Clinical Programs, Touchstone Communities Darrell D. Zurovec, Attorney, Zurovec PLLC And growing….. |
President’s ReportLegislative UpdateCommitment to CareState NewsNational NewsExhibitor NewsTHCAPACEducation
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