Volume XXX, Number 6
AHCA / Aon to Perform Annual Study of Liability CostsThe American Health Care Association (AHCA) has asked THCA to share with its membership the following information regarding Aon’s 2015 Long Term Care General Liability and Professional Liability Benchmark Data Call: The Actuarial and Analytics Practice of Aon Global Risk Consulting, with support from the AHCA, will distribute a call for data at the end of June. This data call will support our annual study of liability costs for Long Term Care providers. Last year’s study provided estimates of liability costs, claim frequency and claim sizes on a countrywide basis and for seventeen profiled states. We will hold calls on June 16 and June 18 to discuss the data call elements and respond to questions and comments. On the scheduled day, join the meeting by clicking the links at the end of this article. Some areas of emphasis for this year’s study are:
To obtain accurate and reliable results, the study depends on a strong response from providers around the country, and to that end THCA encourages its membership to respond in force. For more information regarding the study, please participate in one or both of the online meetings referenced below: June 16: Click Here to join the online meeting.
June 18: Click Here to join the online meeting. |
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