Volume XXX, Number 10
October is here and so is ICD-10CLICK HERE for more information on the ICD-10 Transition. AHCA reached out formally via correspondence to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in August, to solicit much needed guidance regarding nursing facility transition from the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). To date, CMS has provided extensive ICD-10 educational resources. However, there were several questions specific to SNF services that the CMS resources did not address and we have been working with CMS since that time. Last Tuesday, AHCA received the attached responses. Starting October 1st, healthcare providers must submit valid ICD-10 diagnosis codes on claims and required patient assessments, including the SNF Minimum Data Set (MDS), to receive payment. Key clarification points in CMS correspondence include:
AHCA recommends that SNF clinicians, MDS assessment coordinators, and Billers review the Q&A document before submitting claims and MDS assessments that include October 2015 dates of service. AHCA will continue to keep an open dialogue with CMS to answer questions as they occur. Members that submit concerns to the CMS ICD-10 Ombudsman are also encouraged to report such issues to AHCA so that we can quickly identify issue trends and facilitate efforts with CMS as seeking quick resolution of problems. AHCA has created an ICD-10 Implementation issues mailbox at icd10@ahca.org for this purpose. NOTE: When sending such issues to the AHCA mailbox, please do not include any beneficiary personally identifiable information (PII), or personal health information (PHI). Please do not hesitate to contact Dianne De La Mare at ddmare@ahca.org or Dan Ciolek at dciolek@ahca.org if you have other specific ICD-10 Implementation questions (other than how to code) that we should be discussing with CMS. |
President’s Report___________________________ Legislative Update___________________________ Commitment to CareMDS Member Alerts
If you have any questions about the THCA C to C Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact me at gbwilliams@txhca.org or call (512) 458-1257. ___________________________ State News___________________________ National News___________________________ Announcements & RecognitionsTHCA’s 65th Annual Official Convention Sponsor ___________________________ THCAPACThank you to our 2015 Official THCAPAC @ Convention Sponsor ?’s About THCAPAC…Here’s How To Contact UsRon Payne, THCAPAC Co-Chair