Focused Dementia Care Survey Tools down arrow

Focused Dementia Care Survey Tools In November of 2015, CMS released Survey & Certification Memo 16-06 (SC-Letter-16-04-Focused-Survey-Tools), which included tools that were utilized for the Focused Dementia Care Survey process. … + Read More

Survey Tips and Friendly Reminders down arrow

Survey Tips and Friendly Reminders Since the new requirements of participation went into effect November 28, 2016, here are some reminders of several issues you should be prepared for in … + Read More

January 2018 – Business Members Update down arrow

Information for THCA Associate Business Members (ABM) ABM Contact: Gina Muniz,; (512) 458-1257   THCA Associate Business Members: As mentioned in the December e-mail to all THCA ABM from … + Read More

Answer the Call down arrow

Call for Presentations Open Now –February 1st, 2018 Have LTC expertise you would like to share with others across the state? Ever wanted to present at a THCA Educational event? … + Read More

AHCA/NCAL Webinar: Water Safety down arrow

AHCA/NCAL Webinar: Water Safety and Reducing the Risk for Legionella in Nursing Homes The issue of Legionella and water safety has increasingly been a hot topic for long term care, … + Read More

January Legislative Update down arrow

HOUSE COMMITTEE EXAMINES REGULATION DUPLICATION Duplication of regulations and other issues with the survey process in nursing homes drew legislators’ scrutiny in a hearing of the House Human Services Committee … + Read More