August Announcements & Recognitions down arrow

Don’t miss this EXCELLENT opportunity to provide positive recognition to your facility and staff though the THCA Awards Program!   THCA 2017 Awards & Scholarship Facility Tool Kit     … + Read More

From the President & CEO down arrow

    “Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.” Albert Camus   Summer is officially upon us. Kids are out of school, traffic patterns have … + Read More

Time To “Re-Charge”! down arrow

With the many challenges we face daily, it’s “Time To Re-Charge!” THCA Region Chairs encourage all Long Term Care Professionals to attend the upcoming THCA Summer Conference, July 10-14th, 2017 … + Read More

July PAC Update down arrow

   2017 Summer “Golf Fore PAC” Sponsors! Click here to see a listing of our summer tournament sponsors.   2017 THCAPAC 500 Club   RECOGNIZING OUR MOST RECENT CONTRIBUTORS: Park … + Read More

July Update down arrow

NF Direct Care Staff Enhancement Program HHSC Rate Analysis will now notify providers of the open enrollment period via email rather than U.S. Postal Service mail. Emails will be sent … + Read More

July: Announcements & Recognitions down arrow

THCA 2017 Summer Conference Sponsors! We are very pleased to present the THCA Associate Business Members (ABM) Sponsoring the gathering of Long Term Care Professionals at the upcoming 2017 Summer … + Read More

July Quality Care Update down arrow

Quality Topic of the Month: July: Coming Soon THCA EF Clinical Resource Center; a website for all your long-term care education and clinical needs This article highlights the NEW FREE … + Read More