A Few Messages from the Regions…
- THCA Region 3: Raul Espinosa, THCA Region 3 Chair, would like to thank everyone that invested their time to attend last weeks Region Social Mixer & Meeting; and recognize THCA Associate Business Member, CMMS X-Ray for sponsoring the Social Mixer, as well as Guest Speaker Ivette Rivera – Ortiz, BSN Med, RN, Nurse Manager – DADS Quality Monitoring Program for providing a presentation on Reducing Antipsychotics in Nursing Facilities, and information RRT (Rapid Response Team) and their focus.
If you are not currently receiving THCA Region 3 meeting notices, please e-mail Richard Dunk rdunk@cpxray.com with a request to be added. ATTN: THCA Associate Business Members: If your company would like to support our gatherings by sponsoring the Social Mixer, please contact Region 3 Chair, Raul Espinosa respinosa@swltc.com
- THCA Region 6: Members in region 6 recently met to begin developing a Region Boot Camp Training to help providers in the Region prepare for their CMS Survey. Region Chair, Becky LaRocca is working with DADS Program Manager and staff on the in-service. More information will be forthcoming once details have been finalized!After many years of providing strong leadership in representing THCA Region 6 as Chair, Becky LaRocca has decided it’s time to groom a new leader and pass the baton. Becky has done an outstanding job in this role and is committed to remaining an active member and supporting the region. If you are a provider member in THCA Region 6, please contact Becky to learn more about the Region 6 Chair position including qualifications & expectations. You can reach Becky by e-mail at: mrlarocca@savasc.com
President’s Report
Legislative Update
Commitment to Care
For questions or comments on any of the above Commitment to Care information please don’t hesitate to contact:
Gloria Bean-Williams, RN
Director of Clinical and Quality Services
Ph: 512-458-1257 or gbwilliams@txhca.org
State News
National News
Announcements & Recognitions
THCA’s 65th Annual
Convention and Trade Show


Early bird registration continues through July 17.
The clock is ticking, save when you register before the early bird deadline of July 17. Visit the AHCA/NCAL Convention & Expo website for more information on registration, education sessions, networking events, the Expo Hall, and sponsor information.
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Region News
- A Few Messages from the Regions…
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