Volume XXXI, Number 3
March 2016

President’s Report

Early and Often

“Nothing reinforces a professional relationship more than enjoying success with someone.”
– Harold Ramis

Welcome to March! It appears we’ve made it through a relatively mild winter, and are diving headlong into spring. Not only has March brought us closer to spring, but the 2016 party primary elections were held last week, with positive results for THCA. All nine candidates endorsed by the THCAPAC who had primary opponents won without a runoff. While our collective effort is far from over (see “legislative update”) it is a good start to an important time of the year.

The interim legislative session is officially upon us.

This past month, Senate Committee on Health & Human Services met to discuss long term care quality and oversight. Tomorrow, House Human Services will convene to discuss Medicaid managed care and a review of quality initiatives. THCA has and will be testifying at these hearings, along with representatives from our membership community. In addition to these efforts, and many others, THCA was the presenting sponsor at the 6th annual Lone Star Legislative Summit, held March 2nd and 3rd with legislators and staff from across the state in attendance. But success is built upon the effect of many.

  • All 31 (100%) Senate districts are home to at least one THCA member facility.
  • 139 of 150 (93%) State Representative districts are home to at least one THCA member facility.

If you haven’t had your state Senator and/or state Representative in your facility to highlight the benefits and service you provide to your community, then mark your calendars to call today. If you are unaware of who represents you, click on Who Represents Me?

While we’re early in the year, and we’ve had a good start, success is a journey….not a destination. Thank you for your continued efforts to go above and beyond for those your serve.
Onward and Upward.

President’s Report

  • Early and Often


 Legislative Update


 Commitment to Care

If you have any questions about the THCA Commitment to Care Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams by email or call (512) 458-1257.


State / THCA News


National / AHCA News


Announcements & Recognition

2016 THCA Membership Directory and Resource Guide COMING SOON!

Hard copies scheduled to be mailed out later this month, with a digital copy to be posted on our website mid-April!

 Visit, Like and Follow THCA….

Are you familiar with THCA’s Website, Facebook Page & Twitter Account? We utilize these portals to provide information & tools for long term care providers / caregivers, family members, LTC advocates, and to share the wonderful events, celebrations, etc. that take place in Texas Nursing, Rehabilitation & Assisted Living facilities!

Visit our Website, “Like” our Facebook page and “Follow” us on Twitter! And please encourage your staff to as well!

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?’s About THCAPAC…Contact Us

Ron Payne,

Mark McKenzie,

Gina Muniz,

Scot Kibbe,


Region News



