Volume XXXI, Number 3
March 2016

Spread the Word: Vaccines Are Not Just for Little Ones

Submitted by:
Bill Lowe, THCA Region 10 Chair

Did you know that according to The Immunization Partnership, only about two (2) in 10 adults in the United States are up-to-date on their whooping cough vaccinations? Did you know that there are several vaccines that adults 19 years and older need to have in order to protect themselves and others from potentially life-threatening illnesses? Did you know that the Affordable Care Act expands access to vaccines for adults given that all insurance plans have to cover preventive services (including vaccines) with no cost-sharing/co-pays?

Vaccine-preventable adult illnesses cost thousands of lives in the United States every year, and they cost society billions of dollars each year in treatment, hospitalizations and lost productivity. There is no doubt that adults of all ages need to be immunized for a whole host of reasons, including the reality that immunizations prevent adults from getting certain illnesses and they prevent the spread of illnesses, including among family members who may be our residents.

At any given time, statistics suggest that 40% of adults don’t know which immunizations they might need, or when they last received their immunizations. Vaccinations must be a part of our lives and our daily conversations as long-term care professionals serving residents and their family members, and as healthcare experts promoting good health in our local communities.

Bottom line? Vaccines aren’t just for children. Adults can, and should, be protected from vaccine-preventable deadly diseases. Spread the word in your centers, businesses and your communities. For more information, visit the Adult Vaccination Website.

President’s Report


 Legislative Update


 Commitment to Care

If you have any questions about the THCA Commitment to Care Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams by email or call (512) 458-1257.


State / THCA News


National / AHCA News


Announcements & Recognition

2016 THCA Membership Directory and Resource Guide COMING SOON!

Hard copies scheduled to be mailed out later this month, with a digital copy to be posted on our website mid-April!

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Region News

  • Spread the Word: Vaccines Are Not Just for Little Ones



