“Challenges of Long Term Care”
– Submitted by:
Julie Wyatt, LNFA
THCA Region 4 Chair
As an administrator we face many challenges each day as we strive for excellence in our chosen vocation. Not only do we face increasing expectations from both State and Federal sources; but often the pressure we place on ourselves takes an even greater toll. There are many stake holders who have a substantial interest in our performing our jobs well every day.
The most obvious of these stakeholders are our residents and their families. We take on a huge responsibility when we accept the role as Long Term Care Administrator. We meet many people who may feel that their lives, or the lives of their loved ones are over. I try to remind my staff that a nursing facility is not a place where people come to die, but a place to come to LIVE! It is our job to help create an environment where they can live their lives with joy and hope!
Next, we must meet the expectations of our bosses and owners. It is a business we are running and therefore; we are responsible for seeing that it is a profitable one. As we all know, in the healthcare environment from which we operate that may often feel impossible. But still each day as we enter our office, we must ensure that as we hold the purse strings, we are wise in our decision making. We must keep in mind the best interest of residents at all time, while accepting we do not operate from an endless pot of gold.
Finally, we can never forget DADS, CMS, OIG, OSHA, TWC and many more alphabet agencies who hold our very licenses in their hands. Is it any wonder than many seasoned administrators have given up and left for other less stressful professions? I think not! And yet, we must find the strength and stamina to continue, less the fate of our elderly fall into the hands of those who do not care, those with no compassion and without a heart for those who can no longer care for themselves. I have a plaque with a quote from William James in my office that helps to remind me why I continue to do what I do. It says “The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it”. As a Long Term Care Administrator, I think I have found that “something.”
Messages from Your Region Chairs:
THCA Region 3 (San Antonio and surrounding):
After taking off the month of April for members in San Antonio and surrounding the celebrate “Fiesta Week”, THCA Region 3 will meet on May 26th at Earl Ables Restaurant. We are pleased to have THCA General Counsel, Gavin Gadberry with the Underwood Law Firm as our Guest Speaker. Mr. Gadberry will provide an up to date information session on “Advanced Directives”, approved for 1 CE w/Ethics for LNFA’s, Assisted Living Managers, Nurses and Social Workers. Please note that this meeting will begin at 4:30pm (earlier than usual). Sponsoring our social mixer sponsor will be THCA Business Member, “Schryver Medical & Community Portable – Stronger Together”. Meeting notices with RSVP information will be disseminated soon. If you are not currently receiving meeting notices for this region and would to, please e-mail your request to THCA Region 3 Chair, Raul Espinosa, Jr. at: respinosa@swltc.com

Attending San Antonio’s “Fiesta Week” for much of their lives, San Pedro Manor decided to bring the “Fiesta” to their Residents by hosting their 1st Annual Fiesta”!
THCA Region 5 (Central Texas):
Members in this region will meet at 3:00 PM in Georgetown on May 12th at @ Rentsch Brewery, 2500 NE Inner Loop, Georgetown, TX 78626. THCA Business Member, Nutritious Lifestyles will present, “New Sanitation Standards are Coming to your Facility: Are you ready?” LNFA’s and Nurses in attendance will receive 1 hour of CE credit. Beverages sponsored by THCA Business Member, Healthcare Services Group. Meeting notices have been disseminated, so if you did not receive one, please e-mail THCA Region 3 Chair, Sean Phillips at sphillips@seniorcarecentersltc.com
THCA Region 7 (Houston and surrounding):
Members in this region will meet in Houston on May 27th from 1-4PM at Kung Fu Saloon, 5317 Washington Avenue where THCA Business Member, Nutritious Lifestyles will present, “Nutrition and Pressure Ulcer Prevention”. This session is approved for 1 hour CE for LNFA’s, Nurses and Certified Dietary Managers. A special Thank you to the following THCA Business Members sponsoring this gathering: Care Services Management (CSM); Concord EMS, Tallwood Medical Supplies and Schryver Medical/Community Portable X-Ray.
Meeting notices with RSVP information will be disseminated soon. If you are not currently receiving meeting notices for this region and would to, please e-mail your request to THCA Region 7 Chair, Conner Greenspan at: conner.greenspan@healthmarkgroup.com
THCA Regions 8 & 9 (Dallas/Ft. Worth & surrounding):
Our April meeting was such a success, we’ve scheduled our next meeting for May 19th. Presentation details are being finalized, but note your calendar to meet at 11AM on the 19th at our NEW LOCATION, Moni’s Pasta & Pizza, 1730 W. Randol Mill Rd., #100, Arlington, TX. Sponsoring our meeting will be THCA Business Member, Allegiance Mobile Health. Meeting notices with RSVP info will be distributed soon. Remember, we are re-building our region meeting distribution list so please contact Toni Felts at tfelts@metrostat.us with your current company e-mail address to ensure you continue/begin to receive meeting notice & reminders.
THCA Region 10 (South Texas):
Details are being finalized for early June meeting. More information will be disseminated to members soon. If you would like to be included in the meeting distribution e-mail, please e-mail THCA Region 10 Chair, Bill Lowe at bl@eldercare.bz |