Volume XXXI, Number 1
Receive Free Assistance to Report Clostridium Difficile Data and Stop InfectionIn 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will place an increased focus on steps nursing homes across the nation can take to protect residents against antibiotic-resistant infections, such as Clostridium difficile (CDI). One of the first steps is monitoring the number of occurrences of CDI within each state. Knowing where and how often these occurrences are taking place will help provide information on where antibiotic prescribing practices can possibly be improved. As part of that effort, CMS has awarded TMF Health Quality Institute, the Medicare Quality Innovation Network Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) for Texas, with a contract to begin working with nursing homes to voluntarily report CDI data into the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) database. This is the same system, supported by the CDC, which hospitals across the nation use for reporting a variety of infections. The TMF QIN-QIO will begin recruiting nursing homes from March – May 2016 to participate in its Nursing Home CDI Reporting and Reduction project. Participating nursing homes will work directly with TMF QIN-QIO consultants and receive free assistance to learn how to correctly enter their data each month into the NHSN system. Data entry will begin in early fall of 2016 and occur monthly thereafter. Nursing homes that participate in the TMF QIN-QIO’s CDI Reporting and Reduction project will have the advantage to receive free technical assistance and become proficient with the reporting process while it is still voluntary. Details are still forthcoming on when the mandatory reporting period will begin. To receive additional information about participating in the TMF QIN-QIO’s CDI Reporting and Reduction project, email nhnetwork@tmf.org. |
President’s Report___________________________ Legislative Update___________________________ Commitment to Care
If you have any questions about the THCA C to C Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams at gbwilliams@txhca.org or call (512) 458-1257. ___________________________ State / THCA News___________________________ National / AHCA News___________________________ Announcements & RecognitionsVisit, Like and Follow THCA…. Are you familiar with THCA’s Website, Facebook Page & Twitter Account? We utilize these portals to provide information & tools for long term care providers/caregivers, family members, LTC advocates, and to share the wonderful events, celebrations, etc. that take place in Texas Nursing, Rehabilitation & Assisted Living facilities!Visit our Website, “Like” our Facebook page and “Follow” us on Twitter! And please encourage your staff to as well!
___________________________ Preferred Products & Services___________________________ THCAPAC—— Mark Your Calendar: 2016 Summer “Golf Fore PAC” Tournament Mark your Calendar with our 2016 Summer “Golf Fore PAC” Tournament scheduled for Monday, July 11, 2016 at the Wolfdancer Golf Club @ Hyatt Lost Pines-Bastrop. More information will be forthcoming!—— ?’s About THCAPAC…Contact UsRon Payne, THCAPAC Co-Chair