Volume XXX, Number 12
December 2015

One a Month Campaign

Thank you to all THCA Members that completed the November One a Month Survey!

one a month logo no background

Keep up the great work! 70% of the respondents met the goal of removing at least one resident off of all antipsychotics without adding any additional. Please keep in mind that after the first of each month you will receive a new survey so that we can continue to collect interim data on the One a Month campaign goals. The same to questions will be asked as the previous survey, but for the month that just passed.

For your convenience please find a link to the Tracking Tool to aid with your data collection.

Tracking tool (Excel format) available on the One a Month Website.

Also please continue to share your One a Month success stories with THCA by emailing THCA Director of Clinical Services Gloria Bean-Williams at gbwilliams@txhca.org and take time to visit the One a Month Website at:


President’s Report


 Legislative Update


 Commitment to Care

  • One a Month Campaign

If you have any questions about the THCA C to C Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams at gbwilliams@txhca.org or call (512) 458-1257.


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?’s About THCAPAC…Contact Us
Ron Payne, THCAPAC Co-Chair
Mark McKenzie, THCAPAC Co-Chair
Gina Muniz, THCAPAC Liaison


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