Volume XXX, Number 12
December 2015

CMS issues S&C memo on focused Dementia Care Survey Tools

On Nov. 27, CMS issued an S&C memo: Focused Dementia Care Survey Tools. These have not yet been posted on the CMS website.

According to the memo, the pilot project of these focused surveys took place in 2014 in order to examine the process for prescribing antipsychotic medications and assess compliance with other federal requirements related to dementia care practices in nursing homes. The pilot was initiated to gain new insights about surveyor knowledge and skills and ways that the current survey process may be streamlined to more efficiently and accurately identify and cite deficient practice.

In 2015, the expansion project involved a more intensive and targeted effort to cite poor dementia care and the overutilization of antipsychotic medications, and broaden the opportunities for quality improvement among providers.

CMS is sharing the revised survey materials that were developed for the pilot and expansion effort. The intent is that facilities use these tools to assess their own practices in providing resident care.

CLICK HERE for the S&C Memo

CLICK HERE for the Focused Dementia Care Surveyor Worksheets (facility information – Part 1-3)

CLICK HERE for the Focused Dementia Care Surveyor Worksheets (resident information – Part 4)

President’s Report


 Legislative Update


 Commitment to Care

If you have any questions about the THCA C to C Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams at gbwilliams@txhca.org or call (512) 458-1257.


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  • CMS issues S&C memo on focused Dementia Care Survey Tools


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Ron Payne, THCAPAC Co-Chair
Mark McKenzie, THCAPAC Co-Chair
Gina Muniz, THCAPAC Liaison


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