Volume XXX, Number 12
December 2015

Analysis of Survey Trends, List of Top Ten Deficiencies Available

A list of the top ten most frequently cited nursing facility survey deficiencies for state fiscal year (FY) 2015 is available to THCA members on THCA’s website. The report is based upon data received from the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) Regulatory Services. The information is listed by state totals and by each DADS’ region and includes the tag number of the deficiency cited, a brief description of the deficiency, and the number of times cited.

Also available on THCA’s website are survey trend analysis reports that list survey activity for all Purpose of Visits (POV) as well as survey activity related to Standard Surveys and survey activity related to Intake Investigations. The reports utilize simple ratio analysis to compare survey activity between the DADS regions and for comparison to the state average, and contain a few charts to illustrate this activity.

If you have any questions regarding either of these reports, contact Tom Plowman at the THCA office.

President’s Report


 Legislative Update


 Commitment to Care

If you have any questions about the THCA C to C Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact Gloria Bean-Williams at gbwilliams@txhca.org or call (512) 458-1257.


State / THCA News

  • Analysis of Survey Trends, List of Top Ten Deficiencies Enclosed


National / AHCA News


Announcements & Recognitions



?’s About THCAPAC…Contact Us
Ron Payne, THCAPAC Co-Chair
Mark McKenzie, THCAPAC Co-Chair
Gina Muniz, THCAPAC Liaison


Region News





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