Volume XXX, Number 9
Members, please be aware of the upcoming DADS offered Webinar and take the opportunity to forward the information on to your Physicians and their extenders:Update of Quality Concerns in Dementia Care – Why Doctors Should Rarely Prescribe Antipsychotics in Texas Nursing Homes; Register Now for the September 29 WebinarPhysicians, Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners who prescribe medications for residents in Texas nursing homes can REGISTER HERE for the Update on Quality Concerns in Dementia Care – Why Doctors Should Rarely Prescribe Antipsychotics in Texas Nursing Homes webinar. The September 29 event will run from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Central Time. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Dr. Madeleine Biondolillo will review the nature of dementia in long-term care and the current issues related to antipsychotic prescribing, as well as the scope and significance of the CMS National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care. Dr. Lisa Glenn will discuss issues, initiatives and resources regarding the care of persons with dementia and use of anti-psychotic medications that are specific to Texas nursing homes. Dr. Glenn is a graduate of Texas A&M University and UT Southwestern Medical School. She has work experience in the private sector in solo private practice as well as 16 years in the Community Health Centers in Austin with increasing administrative responsibilities. Prior to joining DADS as a Physician in January of 2012, she was the Medical Director of Central Health, the Travis County Healthcare District. Questions regarding this webinar can be emailed to NF.policy@dads.state.tx.us. |
President’s Report___________________________ Legislative Update___________________________ Commitment to Care
If you have any questions about the THCA C to C Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact me at gbwilliams@txhca.org or call (512) 458-1257.___________________________ State News
___________________________ National News
___________________________ Announcements & RecognitionsTHCA’s 65th Annual Official Convention Sponsor _________________ AHCA/NCAL 66th Annual Our Great State of Texas is the host state for the AHCA/NCAL Annual Convention & Expo, October 4-7, 2015! Experience the National Conference right here in our home state! Pre-Registration Rate available until September 9, 2015 Onsite Registration Rate available September 10, 2015 -October 7, 2015 Hotel Reservation Deadline – September 9, 2015 Register now and take advantage of the Pre-Registration Rate Savings. ___________________________ THCAPACOfficial THCAPAC @ Convention Sponsor ?’s About THCAPAC…Here’s How To Contact UsRon Payne, THCAPAC Co-Chair