Volume XXX, Number 9
NF Utilization Review Meeting Slated for September 14 in AustinThe OIG and DADS host quarterly open meetings with open dialogue between the OIG/UR, DADS, and the Attendees. Please share information about the next meeting with appropriate staff. Nursing facility providers are invited to the quarterly Nursing Facility Utilization Review (NFUR) stakeholder’s meeting on September 14, 2015, from 1:30-4:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG’s) building (11501 Burnet Road, Austin – IBM Complex, Broadmoor Bldg. #902, Westage Conference Rooms 212 and 213). The meeting is designed to promote an exchange and dialogue regarding nursing facility reviews between and among the attendees. The NFUR meets periodically to discuss nursing facility reviews and to obtain stakeholder input. These discussions are for informational purposes only and are not binding the OIG and DADS or its representatives. Beginning September 7, CLICK HERE to see the agenda for the meeting on the OIG Website. Dorothy Crawford, THCA |
President’s Report___________________________ Legislative Update___________________________ Commitment to CareIf you have any questions about the THCA C to C Initiative or would like to share your facilities successes please contact me at gbwilliams@txhca.org or call (512) 458-1257.___________________________ State News
___________________________ National News
___________________________ Announcements & RecognitionsTHCA’s 65th Annual Official Convention Sponsor _________________ AHCA/NCAL 66th Annual Our Great State of Texas is the host state for the AHCA/NCAL Annual Convention & Expo, October 4-7, 2015! Experience the National Conference right here in our home state! Pre-Registration Rate available until September 9, 2015 Onsite Registration Rate available September 10, 2015 -October 7, 2015 Hotel Reservation Deadline – September 9, 2015 Register now and take advantage of the Pre-Registration Rate Savings. ___________________________ THCAPACOfficial THCAPAC @ Convention Sponsor ?’s About THCAPAC…Here’s How To Contact UsRon Payne, THCAPAC Co-Chair