Volume XXX, Number 5
Welcome THCA’s Newest Board Member, Cassandra Mistretta, VP of Operations with Genesis HealthCareOn Monday, April 20, 2015, the THCA Board of Directors approved the appointment of Ms. Mistretta as Director at Large. We are excited to have her join the leadership in representing long term care in Texas for the betterment of all members of THCA and the residents we serve. Click the photo above to see Cassie Mistretta being sworn in to the THCA Board of Directors |
President’s ReportLegislative UpdateCommitment to CareState NewsNational NewsAnnouncements & Recognitions
THCAPACRegion NewsEducationIf you have suggestions for education sessions or questions about THCA education, please contact Sue Wilson at the THCA office swilson@txhca.org. Calendar |