Volume XXX, Number 5
President Signs into Law Permanent Solution to SGROn April 16, President Obama signed the bi-partisan, bi-cameral Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization (MACRA) Act into law. The new law repeals the flawed formula known as the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) that forced deep rate cuts to reimbursement of physician and other practitioner services. The legislation will eliminate the perennial threat of providers paying for a “Doc Fix” and inject much-needed stability for the long term and post-acute care sector. In a message to membership, American Health Care Association (AHCA) President and CEO Mark Parkinson stated that “This is a historic victory for our profession. The annual routine of fixing the flawed SGR formula was always a billion-dollar risk for skilled nursing providers. Though the bill does contain a cut to our profession, it is a fraction of what we would have faced if we continued the risk of being a pay-for year after year. In addition, the law provides important therapy relief which AHCA sought for many years.” According to AHCA, key components of the legislation include:
Additional information regarding this issue can be found on AHCA’s web site. |
President’s ReportLegislative UpdateCommitment to CareState NewsNational News
Announcements & Recognitions
THCAPACRegion NewsEducationIf you have suggestions for education sessions or questions about THCA education, please contact Sue Wilson at the THCA office swilson@txhca.org. Calendar |